Adya Kali Mantra | Mantra of the Primal Energy | 216 Times

2019-06-09 130

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Fifteen Syllable Kali Mantra In Sanskrit

ॐ हरिं श्रीं कलिं अद्य कालिका परम् एष्वरी स्वा:

In English

“Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha”

Meaning: ‘O Kali, my Mother full of Bliss. In Thy delirious joy Thou dancest, clapping Thy hands together! Thou art the Mover of all that moves in thy world.’

Benefit: It is believed that this mantra brings rapid growth to one’s spirituality.

Adya Kali is one of the Primordial Devis of the famed Dasha Mahavidya. The meaning behind the name Adya Shakti literally means a primal power or primal energy.

Adya literally means primal and shakti means power or energy, which means not only Adya Kali is the epitome of the primal power; but she herself is the primal power.

Devotees recognize Adya Kali as Adya Ma and she is the representation of Durga, Kali, and Parvati who creates as well as nurtures. She is the eternal power that creates and it is believed that all other Gods in the Hindu divinity are manifestations or representations of Adya Kali.

She is the force that created and she is the force that nurtures and she is the force in which ultimately everything will be sucked into.

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